
MyAdvisor is a question and answer forum that enables users to post questions to Vitalware's coding and compliance team and search the questions and answers from other users.

Tip: All users can search MyAdvisor, but asking questions is limited by contractual constraint and administrative privileges in X-Admin.

To access MyAdvisor, select Products > VitalKnowledge > MyAdvisor.

MyAdvisor search can be narrowed down in the Common Views field by:

  • General
  • Inpatient
  • Outpatient
  • Professional
  • ASC

Leaving the default All Questions selection returns every Coding type.

In most cases it is not necessary to use the question and answer Date field.

The Search Text field accepts words or specific codes.

In the example below, a text search for Infusion returned 148 results. When you see a question and answer you want to read, click the plus icon to open it.

Print a question and answer in PDF format by right-clicking on the row or within the question detail panel.

Disclaimer: The responses provided in MyAdvisor are for general information purposes related to coding, billing, and reimbursement. Vitalware does not accept any responsibility or liability with regard to any errors, omissions, misuse(s), or misinterpretation by the reader. This information does not constitute legal/medical advice or recommendation for submitting any particular claims(s) for payment. It is the responsibility of the provider to determine coverage and to submit appropriate codes, modifiers, and charges for medically necessary services rendered. Though the information contained within has been researched and validated for accuracy at the time the question was posed, it is subject to modification without notice due to frequently changing laws, rules, and regulations. For definitive clarification of coding, coverage, and reimbursement policies, contact your local compliance department, reimbursement specialists, and/or legal counsel, as necessary.